Home Assistant on Turris Omnia via LXC container

In a previous post, I described how to install OpenVPN client on a Turris Omnia router. To start or stop the client, I was using the command line and mentioned the LuCi Web User Interface.

Both ways are not super easy and fast to access. A while ago, I wrote a small Flask web application to change some settings in my router. The application just allowed to click on a button to run a script via ssh on the router.

So I could write a small webapp to do just that. But I recently read about Home Assistant. It's an open-source home automation platform to track and control your devices at home. There are many components available, including Command Line Switch which looks exactly like what I need.

The Raspberry Pi is a popular device to install Home Assistant. But my Turris Omnia is quite powerful for a router with 1 GB of RAM and 8 GB of flash. It's time to use some of that power.

From what I read, there is an openWrt package of Home Assistant. I couldn't find it in the Turris Omnia available packages. Anyway, there is another feature I wanted to try: LXC Containers. Home Assistant is a Python application, so it's easy to install in a linux container and would allow to easily keep the version up-to-date.

So let's start!

Create a LXC container

As described here, you can create a LXC container via the LuCI web interface or via the command line:

root@turris:~# lxc-create -t download -n homeassistant
Setting up the GPG keyring
Downloading the image index
WARNING: Failed to download the file over HTTPs.
         The file was instead download over HTTP. A server replay attack may be possible!

 Turris_OS  stable  armv7l  default  2017-01-22
 Turris_OS  stable  ppc  default  2017-01-22
 Alpine  3.4  armv7l  default  2017-01-22
 Debian  Jessie  armv7l  default  2017-01-22
 Gentoo  stable  armv7l  default  2017-01-22
 openSUSE  13.2  armv7l  default  2017-01-22
 openSUSE  42.2  armv7l  default  2017-01-22
 openSUSE  Tumbleweed  armv7l  default  2017-01-22
 Ubuntu  Xenial  armv7l  default  2017-01-22
 Ubuntu  Yakkety  armv7l  default  2017-01-22

 Distribution: Debian
 Release: Jessie
 Architecture: armv7l

 Flushing the cache...
 Downloading the image index
 Downloading the rootfs
 Downloading the metadata
 The image cache is now ready
 Unpacking the rootfs

 Distribution Debian version Jessie was just installed into your

 Content of the tarballs is provided by third party, thus there is
 no warranty of any kind.

As you can see above, I chose a Debian Jessie distribution.

Let's start and enter the container:

root@turris:~# lxc-start -n homeassistant
root@turris:~# lxc-attach -n homeassistant

Now that we are inside the container, we can first set the root password:

root@LXC_NAME:~# passwd
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully

LXC_NAME is not a super nice hostname. Let's update it:

root@LXC_NAME:~# hostnamectl set-hostname homeassistant
Failed to create bus connection: No such file or directory

Ok... We have to install dbus. While we are at it, let's install vim because we'll need it to edit the homeassistant configuration:

root@LXC_NAME:~# apt-get update
root@LXC_NAME:~# apt-get upgrade
root@LXC_NAME:~# apt-get install -y dbus vim

Setting the hostname now works properly:

root@LXC_NAME:~# hostnamectl set-hostname homeassistant

We can exit and enter the container again to see the change:

root@LXC_NAME:~# exit
root@turris:~# lxc-attach -n homeassistant

Install Home Assistant

Next, we just have to follow the Home Assistant installation instructions. They are well detailed. I'll just quickly repeat them here to make it easier to follow but you should refer to the official page for any update:

root@homeassistant:~# apt-get install python-pip python3-dev
root@homeassistant:~# pip install --upgrade virtualenv
root@homeassistant:~# adduser --system homeassistant
root@homeassistant:~# mkdir /srv/homeassistant
root@homeassistant:~# chown homeassistant /srv/homeassistant
root@homeassistant:~# su -s /bin/bash homeassistant
homeassistant@homeassistant:/root$ virtualenv -p python3 /srv/homeassistant
homeassistant@homeassistant:/root$ source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate
(homeassistant) homeassistant@homeassistant:/root$ pip3 install --upgrade homeassistant

Just run hass to start the application and create the default configuration:

(homeassistant) homeassistant@homeassistant:/root$ hass

Press CTRL-C to exit. Check the created configuration file: /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml.

You can comment out the introduction: line:

# Show links to resources in log and frontend

Add a switch to Home Assistant

To start and stop our VPN we define a Command Line Switch that triggers the openvpn script on the router. Add the following at the end of the file:

  platform: command_line
          command_on: 'ssh root@<router IP> "/etc/init.d/openvpn start"'
          command_off: 'ssh root@<router IP> "/etc/init.d/openvpn stop"'
          friendly_name: ATV4 VPN

The LXC container is just like another computer (a virtual one) on the local network. To access the router, we have to ssh to it. For this to work without requesting a password, we have to generate a ssh key and add the public key to the authorized_keys file on the router:

homeassistant@homeassistant:~$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/homeassistant/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/homeassistant/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/homeassistant/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.

Copy the content of /home/homeassistant/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys (on the router not inside the container).

With this configuration, the switch will always be off when you restart Home Assistant. It won't know either if you change the state using the command line or LuCI web interface. This can be solved by adding the optional command_state line. The command shall return a result code 0 if the switch is on. The openvpn init script on the Turris Omnia doesn't take "status" as argument. An easy way to check if openvpn is running is to use pgrep. Our new configuration becomes:

  platform: command_line
          command_on: 'ssh root@<router IP> "/etc/init.d/openvpn start"'
          command_off: 'ssh root@<router IP> "/etc/init.d/openvpn stop"'
          command_state: 'ssh root@<router IP> "pgrep /usr/sbin/openvpn"'
          friendly_name: ATV4 VPN

That's it. The switch state will now properly be updated even if the VPN is started or stopped without using the application.

If you go to http://<container IP>:8123, you should see something like that:


Automatically start Home Assistant

Let's configure systemd to automatically start the application. Create the file /etc/systemd/system/home-assistant@homeassistant.service:

root@homeassistant:~# cat <<EOF >> /etc/systemd/system/home-assistant@homeassistant.service
Description=Home Assistant

ExecStart=/srv/homeassistant/bin/hass -c "/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant"


Enable and launch Home Assistant:

root@homeassistant:~# systemctl --system daemon-reload
root@homeassistant:~# systemctl enable home-assistant@homeassistant
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/home-assistant@homeassistant.service to /etc/systemd/system/home-assistant@homeassistant.service.
root@homeassistant:~# systemctl start home-assistant@homeassistant

You can check the logs with:

root@homeassistant:~# journalctl -f -u home-assistant@homeassistant

We just have to make sure the container starts automatically when we reboot the router. Set the following in /etc/config/lxc-auto:

root@turris:~# cat /etc/config/lxc-auto
config container
  option name homeassistant
  option timeout 60

Make it easy to access Home Assistant

There is one more thing we want to do: assign a fixed IP to the container. This can be done like for any machines on the LAN via the DHCP and DNS settings in LuCI interface. In Static Leases, assign a fixed IP to the container MAC address.

Now that the container has a fixed IP, go to http://<container IP>:8123 and create a bookmark or add an icon to your phone and tablet home screen. This makes it easy for anyone at home to turn the VPN on and off!



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