OpenVPN source based routing

I already spoke about installing OpenVPN on a Raspberry Pi in another blog post.

I only connect to this VPN server to access content that requires a french IP address. I use OpenVPN Connect App on my iPad and Tunnelblick on my mac. It works nicely but how to use this VPN on my Apple TV 4? There is no VPN client available...

End of last year I finally received my Turris Omnia that I supported on Indiegogo. It's a nice router running a free operating system based on OpenWrt with automatic updates. If you haven't heard about it, you should check it out.

Configuring OpenVPN client on OpenWrt

Installing an OpenVPN client on OpenWrt is not very difficult. Here is a quick summary.

  1. Install openvpn-openssl package (via the webinterface or the command line)

  2. I already have a custom client config that I generated with Ansible in this post. To use this config, create the file /etc/config/openvpn:

    # cat /etc/config/openvpn
    package openvpn
    config openvpn myvpn
            # Set to 1 to enable this instance:
            option enabled 1
            # Include OpenVPN configuration
            option config /etc/openvpn/myclientconfig.ovpn
  3. Add a new interface in /etc/config/network:

    config interface 'myvpn'
           option proto 'none'
           option ifname 'tun0'
  4. Add a new zone to /etc/config/firewall:

    config zone
            option forward 'REJECT'
            option output 'ACCEPT'
            option name 'VPN_FW'
            option input 'REJECT'
            option masq '1'
            option network 'myvpn'
            option mtu_fix '1'
    config forwarding
            option dest 'VPN_FW'
            option src 'lan'
  5. An easy way to configure DNS servers is to add fixed DNS for the WAN interface of the router. To use Google DNS, add the following two lines to the wan interface in /etc/config/network:

    # diff -u network
    @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
     config interface 'wan'
             option ifname 'eth1'
             option proto 'dhcp'
    +        option peerdns '0'
    +        option dns ''

If you run /etc/init.d/openvpn start with this config, you should connect successfully! All the traffic will go via the VPN. That's nice but it's not what I want. I only want my Apple TV traffic to go via the VPN. How to achieve that?

Source based routing

I quickly found this wiki page to implement source based routing. Exactly what I want. What took me some time to realize is that before to do that I had to ignore the routes pushed by the server.

With my configuration, when the client connects, the server pushes some routes among which a default route that makes all the traffic go via the VPN:

Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default       UG    0      0        0 tun0

Ignoring the routes pushed by the server can be done with the --route-noexec option. I tried to add option route_noexec 1 to my /etc/config/openvpn file but it had no effect. It looks like that when using a custom config, you can't add other options there. You have to set everything in the custom config. I added route-noexec to my /etc/openvpn/myclientconfig.ovpn file and it worked! No more route added. No traffic sent via the VPN.

We can now apply the changes described in the Routing wiki page.

  1. Install the ip package

  2. Add the 10 vpn line to /etc/iproute2/rt_tables so that it looks like this:

    # cat /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
    # reserved values
    255  local
    254  main
    253  default
    10   vpn
    0    unspec
    # local
    #1  inr.ruhep
  3. We now need to add a new rule and route when starting the client. We can do so using the openvpn up command. Create the /etc/openvpn/upvpn script:

    # cat /etc/openvpn/upvpn
    echo "Routing client $client traffic through VPN"
    ip rule add from $client priority 10 table vpn
    ip route add $client dev $tun_dev table vpn
    ip route add default via $ifconfig_remote_ip dev $tun_dev table vpn
    ip route flush cache
  4. Create the /etc/openvpn/downvpn script to properly remove the rule and route:

    # cat /etc/openvpn/downvpn
    echo "Delete client $client traffic routing through VPN"
    ip rule del from $client priority 10 table vpn
    ip route del $client dev $tun_dev table vpn
    ip route del default via $ifconfig_remote_ip dev $tun_dev table vpn
    ip route flush cache
  5. We now have to add those scripts to the client config. Here is everything I added to my /etc/openvpn/myclientconfig.ovpn file:

    # Don't add or remove routes automatically
    # Source based routing for specific client added in up script
    # script-security 2 needed to run up and down scripts
    script-security 2
    # Script to run after successful TUN/TAP device open
    up /etc/openvpn/upvpn
    # Call down script before to close TUN to properly remove the routing
    down /etc/openvpn/downvpn

Notice that the machine IP address that we want to route via the VPN is hard-coded in the the upvpn and downvpn scripts. This IP shall be fixed. You can easily do that by associating it to the required MAC address in the DHCP settings.

The tunnel remote IP is automatically passed in parameter to the up and down scripts by openvpn.

If we run /etc/init.d/openvpn start with this config, only the traffic from the IP address will go via the VPN!

Run /etc/init.d/openvpn stop to close the tunnel.


This is a nice way to route traffic through a VPN based on the source IP address.

You can of course use the router webinterface to stop and start openvpn. In another post, I'll talk about an even more user friendly way to control it.


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